Case Study: Content Design at Corestream

The Challenge

Create a new baseline end-to-end user experience for our elective employment benefits open enrollment flow.

The Approach


Head of Design, UX Designer, Graphic Designer, Senior Product Manager, Chief Product Officer, VP of Product, VP of Marketing, Director of Marketing Strategy


User problem Validation

In user interviews and through a detailed survey we discovered the following:

  • Users didn't understand our graphics.

  • They wanted product information right away on the homepage.

  • They preferred multiple ways of digesting information (not just text).

  • They only wanted to spend up to 10 minutes learning about the products.

  • They needed to understand why they should care about these products in relation to their core health benefits.

Content Design

  • From the research I determined that we needed entirely new information hierarchy as well as streamlined messaging and multimedia to meet different user learning needs.

  • Given timeline constraints, I prioritized the multimedia approach to a quick v2 that could be A/B tested during (but not at the start of) open enrollment.

  • Based on a language survey I created I adjusted some of our verbiage to align with user expectations. I explained these language changes and decision-making to senior leadership and received buy-in from them.

UX Design

  • I worked live and async with UX designer to communicate content design choices.

  • Collaborated to identify any missed opportunities or additional use cases we could design for.

  • Gave preliminary feedback on design to ensure it aligned with content design choices.

  • Lastly, I drafted final UX copy taking design constraints into consideration.


  • Once I integrated feedback I turned to the marketing team to align our marketing strategy to meet the standards of the new baseline product experience.

  • Collaborated with VP of Marketing to determine new content design for open enrollment emails and drafted copy.

Full-Scale E2E Review

  • My team presented our entire end-to-end experience to the whole group, including engineers.

  • We answered questions about the process, the decisions, and discussed future plans for iteration.

  • We got buy-in from all stakeholders with minimal last-minute revisions.

Quick Iteration

  • I then turned my attention to the next phase of the project which included developing product and welcome videos for various use cases of the experience.

  • We recorded the videos, and they are in post-production with a plan for implementation once they are finished.


Our new baseline experience saw a lift in email opens and click-throughs, portal visits, and number of enrollment conversions.

The video content on the new baseline experience is already testing well with users. Though it hasn't launched yet, we anticipate that the video content strategy will be a success.


increase in email click-thru


increase in registered visitor wizard completion


net new enrollments vs. previous year


overall increase in conversion YoY

The first iteration of the homepage included "Ideal for you if" statements for the products.
The next iteration involved updated copy to the header and a new focus on benefit value and enrollment process.
The old version of the in-wizard product detail page.
The new template I designed for the in-wizard product detail pages.
The journey from our old email style (top left) to the new emails (top right). We saw a 12% increase in click rate.
A snapshot of the new videos. (That's me in the video!)

[Taryn] was a valuable asset to the team and played a significant role in driving our content to the next level. [She] always has a willingness to help others and instills confidence and positive energy in everyone on her team. She is quick to learn and adapt in any situation. Any company would be lucky to have her!

— Casey Willert, Director of Marketing Operations and Strategy

— Veronica Levinsky, Head of Marketing at Copyfolio

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